Friday, August 25, 2017

2017 100 hats for Warmth for Maine

Once again I have completed my 100 hats to send to Country Knitting of Maine News&Views contest. I did some handknit. Others I did on my midgauge (brother 350) standard gauge brother 965i, bulky brother 260 and also on Passap e6000. With some of them I used the ribber or the garter carriage.  I just need to put my contact info in the hats and send them to Maine!

Here are some photos.  

Fairisle Hats

earflap hats

Ribbed hats

Tuck with rolled brim

Earflap hats following pattern from Carol Wurst

DFW easy hats

Inspired by a rainbow stripes hat

Animal hats with earflaps

garter carriage ribbed hats

Handknit hats, yes I do handknit

Most of the hats on my bed

Fisherman's rib done on the Passap

Easy rolled brim hats

Rest of the hats on my bed

Fun experiment..bulky yarn #4 on standard brother machine with garter carriage using EON!
Sport yarn and fun fur together in a rolled brim hat

TMK Passap knitting

After a 5 year or so hiatus we have started up our Passap meetings here in Raleigh, NC. We have had 2 monthly meetings so far and another is scheduled for tomorrow.
At the first 2 we had 2 ladies come to be by my e6000 in my basement for a "blind leading the blind" class. Both were skilled brother machine knitters.

We are hoping to have 4 knitters and me for tomorrow's meeting. We play "stump the expert" and pretend that I am the expert. In other words I say, "What do you want to see done on the Passap?" They tell me and I try to do it.

The first meeting we talked and demonstrated cast ons and cast offs. And we assigned homework to try to copy the sample of various stitches in the DM80 book.....that pattern that made a mitt. Both ladies did it!! (Whoops, I forgot to try it.)

The second meeting we tried programming the console and following the directions. We used a pattern I had found on   but I forget what month she published it. It was a pattern for a dishcloth and she also included how to do a Broken Toe cast on.

We were each to go home and try to do the dishcloth on our own. One lady phoned me for help yesterday, which reminded me I needed to try it myself.
I have just finished doing the dishcloth. Teena and I both used acrylic yarn, as we were not confident enough to try knitting with cotton, which has much less stretch or forgiveness
I got it finished, but need to hide a few yarn ends. Here are photos of the front and the back of my dishcloth!