My friend Manju wrote this to me:
My Passap e-6000 is back up for sale. A lady in South Carolina wanted to purchase it before the end of Sept, but she is undecided until she returns from her trip abroad.
I would like to sell this ASAP and am negotiable on the price. It is listed for $2,700 with everything I own that belongs to the Passap.
Passap E6000 comes with a motor, books, video tapes and DVDs, magazines, Tricofit, color changer etc.
If you are interested in this machine you can email me, Rita, at and I will forward your message to Manju. Or you can contact her through the craigslist link.
Wow, two Passaps for sale...Manju's and Raeanne's. Passaps are fun to use, but you must spend some time at the beginning learning to use them. They make gorgeous textured fabric, and using the color changer is so easy. Double bed work in general is really great with the don't usually need to use a comb and weights. I have made socks on the Passap and find it much easier than on brother machines. (But, of course, I love my brother machines too!)