Diana Sullivan was in Raleigh for a 2 day seminar in late April. She demonstrated many things including how to knit an entrelac hat IN THE ROUND!!
LuAnne and Linda, sisters, went home after the first day and knit the hat that evening!
Well, I could not let THEM be the stars of the seminar, so I knit one too. See my hat below this. I showed off mine at our TMK meeting this past Saturday at the NC State Fairgrounds where our group met to show off machines and machine knit items during the NC. FiberFest.
We had lots of people interested in seeing knitting machines and how they work. Many took home a flyer about our group and when and where we meet monthly. One lady hung around Leslie and her 260 for THREE HOURS!
I hope we can all get busy and pull off another CMKG seminar for next year...I hear one is in the planning stages!!!
Hey, I bought the book (and many others) at the seminar BEFORE she listed it for sale. I feel like a real trend setter!! Diana's books and videos are so simple to follow, and are not expensive to buy either. They are well worth collecting and knitting the items.