Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hat Contest 2011

Here are my 100 hats (on a bed with toys because I forgot to remove the toys!)

Linda Williams of Country Knitting of Maine News&Views magazine has been having a hat contest each year, with the hats sent in to be donated to charity (homeless, schoolkids, etc.). For the last couple of years she has also sponsored a "Hat Challenge" to knit 100 hats and send them in with the Hat Contest hats.  I have sent in 100 hats last year and again this year.  Kathryn Doubrley first issued the 100 Hat Challenge, promising a free pattern to whoever sent in 100 hats.  Cathie Sanders  joined her in promising a free pattern to whoever sent in 100 hats.  Linda joined them in promising a prize for 100 hats. ....So I figured I couldn't lose....just send in 100 hats and be guaranteed a prize!! Three prizes, to be exact.

So I cranked up my knitting machine (machines to be exact) and got started. When I traveled, I used my trusty hand knitting needles to keep up the momentum. I tried out hat patterns from the internet and from various patterns I had bought over the years. I tried different color combinations and different techniques. I used the standard knitting machine, the Passap, the midgauge machine and the bulky. To make sure the hats were usable, I tried each one on on my head....if it were a bit tight (but DID go on my head) I figured it would fit someone....if it were a bit loose, it would still fit someone.  These hats were for school children and for adults, mostly.

I selected my best hats from the 100 to enter in the contest with the big prizes. I was very lucky and I did win some big prizes!

My first place hat won 6 months of Machine Knitting Monthly

My second place winner, most unusual technique, won  a gift certificate to Knit it Now
My third place prize winning hat won a big box of yarn from Peter Patchis

No, I did not enter all of the 100 hats into the contest. I chose what I considered the best of the bunch (maybe about 10 or so hats). Hey, the more I entered in the contest, the greater my chance of winning!

This was a lot of fun...some personal pressure to finish 100 hats and on time...and I do plan to try again next year for 100 more hats!  I hope many of you will join me in making and donating hats next year.

Monday, December 5, 2011

More Toyota photos

Someday I will learn how to manage this blog....I promise!
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Toyota knitting machine for sale

Another person has contacted me about selling a machine locally.
The photos are in another post from today.
Here is what Lisa said:

My mother purchased this knitting machine, but recently passed away and I don't have a need/use for it.

It is a Toyota KS787 model, and comes with a ribber, stand, lace carriage, other miscellaneous attachments, and some patterns. It has been used only half-a-dozen times.

Lisa lives in Hillsborough, NC. She is asking $500 for the Toyota KS787 , ribber, stand, lace carriage, and other miscellaneous attachments. She will include some patterns too.

The 787 is a punchcard machine and from what I can find on the internet a very sturdy, reliable machine.

If you are interested contact me, Rita, at and I will put you in contact with Lisa.

Toyota Knitting machine for sale photos

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