The Triangle Machine Knitters hold their monthly meetings at a church in north Raleigh. email me for exact location.
We meet from 10 am to about 12 noon. Many of us go out to lunch together afterwards at a Chinese buffet. You are welcome to join us or to join a new friend and eat somewhere else or to just go off on your own.
Usually we have a demonstration of something being knitted on a machine (or a technique) or maybe a video which is knitting machine related. We then have a show and tell time when we show our completed items, items in progress, items we've had a problem with, or just swatches we like or do not like. If we have time, we even show off our handknitting or other fiber arts work.
Here is our schedule of proposed topics for our meetings for 2011-2012:NOVEMBER 19: (1) Bring any more knitted toiletry bags. All who can,please plan to arrive by 9:30 am to help stuff the bags. We wantto get as much done before the "official" meeting starts.(2) Demonstration of the knitleader by JoDECEMBER: Party! (do we need a planning committee??) date and location to be announced
JANUARY (the third Saturday): Donna Seitzer video,shown by RitaFEBRUARY(the third Saturday): Intarsia, SandraMARCH(the third Saturday): More (and more) hand-manipulated stitches, ElizabethAPRIL (the third Saturday): Fixing mistakes, finishing, Rita and AnnMAY(the third Saturday): Shortrowing, MaryJUNE (the third Saturday): Circular knitting incorporating tuck, fairisle, lace, TeenaJULY (the third Saturday): (1) Buy/Sell/Swap anything and everything(2) Bring your favorite book or pattern and tell us a little about it.AUGUST (the third Saturday): Planning, planning for next season
Most of us knit on brother or Silver Reed (Studio/Singer) machines but some of us also use Passap machines. There is a special meeting for Passap knitters usually held monthly at another location. Email me if you want info.